Nas fases iniciais do Energyprofiler foi feito um levantamento e compilação de estudos nacionais e internacionais já existentes. Em baixo poderá consultar esta pesquisa bibliográfica, e aceder aos estudos que estão disponíveis na internet.
ADENE (2009). A luz certa em sua casa. Ministério da Economia e Inovação.
Baker, K. & Rylatt, M. (2008). Improving the prediction of UK domestic energy-demand using annual consumption-data. Applied Energy, 85 (6), 475-482.
Barr, S., Gilg, A. & Ford, N. (2004). The household energy gap: examining the divide between habitual- and purchase-related conservation behaviours. Energy Policy, 33 (11), 1425-1444.
Becker, L., Seligman, C., Fazio, R. & Darley, J. (1981). Relating attitudes to residential energy use. Environment and Behavior, 13(5), 590-609.
Bertoli, P. & Atanasiu, B. (2006). Residential Lighting Consumption and Saving Potential in the Enlarged EU. European Commission – DG Joint Research Centre, Institute for Environment and Sustainability.
Black, S., Stern, P. & Elworth, J. (1985). Personal and contextual influences on househould energy adaptations. Journal of Applied Psychology, 70(1), 3-21.
Boardman, B., Lane, K., Hinnels, M., Banks, N., Milne, G., Goodwin, A. & Fawcett, T. (1997). Domestic equipment and carbon dioxide emissions. Oxford: Energy and Environment Programme - Environmental Change Unit - University of Oxford.
Carlsson-Kanyama, A., Linden, A. & Eriksson, B. (2005). Residential energy behaviour: Does generation matter? International Journal of Consumer Studies, 29(3), 239-253.
Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA- 2006). An environmental behaviours strategy for DEFRA: scoping report. New Zealand: Research New Zealand; Ministry for the Environment.
Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA- 2008). Household sustainability survey. New Zealand: Research New Zealand; Ministry for the Environment.
DGGE (2004). Eficiência energética em equipamentos e sistemas eléctricos no sector residencial. Ministério da Economia.
Encinas, N., Alfonso, D., Álvarez, C., Pérez-Navarro, A. & García-Franco, F. (2007). Energy market segmentation for distributed energy resources implementation purposes. Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 1(2), 324-330.
Ferreira, F., Antunes, A., Alves, A., Milagre, R., Ramos, S., Delgado, A. & Santos, P. (2007). Programa ecofamílias – Relatório final. Lisboa: Quercus.
Goldblatt, D., Hartmann, C. & Durrenberger, G. (2005). Combining interviewing and modeling for end-user energy conservation. Energy Policy, 33(2), 257-271.
Hogan, M.J. & Paolucci, B. (1979). Energy Conservation: Family Values, Household Practices and Contextual Variables. Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal, 7(4), 210-218.
Johnson, M., Fryer, K. & Raggett, N. (2008). Household Sustainability Survey. Research New Zealand.
Linden, A., Carlsson-Kanyama, A. & Eriksson, B. (2006). Efficient and inefficient aspects of residential energy behaviour: What are the policy instruments for change? Energy Policy, 34(14), 1918-1927.
Platt, R. & _and Retallack, S. (2009). Consumer Power - How the public thinks lower-carbon behaviour could be made mainstream. Institute for Public Policy Research.
Poortinga, W., Steg, L. & Vleck, C. (2004). Values, Environmental Concern, and Environmental Behavior: A Study Into Household Energy Use. Environment and Behavior, 36(1), 70-93.
Prendergrast, J., Foley, B., Menne, V. & Isaac, A. (2008). Creatures of Habit? - The Art of Behavioural Change. London: The Social Market Foundation.
Schiellerup, P. (2008). Publishing Ltd Stop making sense: the trials and tribulations of qualitative data analysis. Royal Geographical Society (with The Institute of British Geographers). 40(2), 163-171.
Tso, G. & Yau, K. (2003). A study of domestic energy usage patterns in Hong Kong. Energy, 28 (15), 1671-1682.
Vringer, K., Aalbers, T. & Blok, K. (2007). Household energy requirement and value patterns. Energy Policy, 35(1), 553-566.
Yust, B., Guerin, D. & Coopet , J. (2002). Residential Energy Consumption: 1987 to 1997. Family & Consumer Sciences Research Journal, 30(3), 323-349.
Winward, J., Schiellerup, P. & Boardman, B. (1998). Cool Labels. Oxford: Energy and Environment Programme - Environmental Change Unit - University of Oxford.
Whitmarsh, L. (2009). Behavioural responses to climate change: Asymmetry of intentions and impacts. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 29(1), 13-23.
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